Saturday 8 February 2014

R. Dwan & Co. Ltd.

Unfortunately, construction work on the factory for R. Dwan has suffered a delay, the blame for which can be laid firmly at the feet of Jackie, my wife of forty years

for it was she who handed me a cardboard tube and said "this might make a gasometer". The result of this is that I have been researching gas works. I'm sure we all know the basic process and can remember in general what a gas works looks like but when it comes to the specifics of buildings and cooling towers then that is another matter all together. I'd very much like to take the Bury St. Edmunds plant as my prototype if I can get enough details of the buildings. In any event I think I will hang fire on everything except the gasometer until I have visited the museum in Fakenham where I may get all the info I need. Meanwhile if you have anything which might help, please contact me -

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