Monday 27 January 2014

The Basic Design

I have a space which is about twelve feet long by two feet wide. The roof is split by large cross-members into four cells; one to the right of the ladder which is all storage and two to the left. In the first of these I have a workbench opposite the main station, Rosedale Quay. Then in the second cell there will be a mainly scenic area with a viaduct at the front and Fornham All Saints at the back. This section will be a continuous oval. The station names are simply names that I like. Fornham All Saints is a village just up the road and Rosedale Quay is from our house name which itself is named after a favourite spot on the Yorkshire Moors.

The track diagrams were chosen by leafing through An Historical Survey of Selected Great Western Stations volumes one and two. They were chosen on the basis that I like the look of them and I own enough track to model them. This method ensures that the layout will look believable and will function. Everything else about the layout will be what I want, so the station buildings etc. will not be taken from the originals.

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